STAR Power Women's Giving Initiative

Mother’s Day is May 12. Honor a Special Mom in Your Life With a Gift to STAR Power

STAR Power is the MCC Foundation’s women’s giving initiative. Inspired by a generous challenge, the women of the MCC Foundation 董事会 of Directors launched STAR Power in 2013 to raise money in support of single parents pursuing their education at MCC. Scholarship support is often vital to the success of student-parents pursuing a degree or certificate at MCC. By helping single parents overcome financial barriers and complete their studies, we are helping children and strengthening our community.

Star Power Leadership

Lisa Paulis, Co-Chair

Elaine Anderson
Kathleen Bromley
Essie Calhoun-McDavid
Julie Camardo
Lauren Dixon
Kim Gaylord
Cecelia Horwitz
Diana Lauria
Elaine Michael
Kelly Olczak

Laurie Zaucha, Co-Chair

Vivian Palladoro
Abby Reinhard
Jessica Savage
Courtney Smith-Pulire
Elizabeth Sydor
Lori Van Dusen
Stephanie Von Bacho
Maureen Wolfe
Gretchen Wood

Lives are changed because of STAR Power scholarships. Make a pledge or gift today to help students and their families change their lives. Pledges may be fulfilled over as many as five years; gifts of any size are gratefully accepted. Sample levels are outlined below:

  • Gold Star: $50,000 ($10,000 a year for five years)
  • Super Star: $25,000 ($5,000 a year for five years)
  • Rock Star: $12,500 ($2,500 a year for five years)
  • Dazzling Star: $10,000 ($2,000 a year for five years)
  • Lucky Star: $5,000 ($1,000 a year for five years)

The MCC Foundation understands that your gift is an expression of your overall philanthropic vision. We are honored to offer opportunities that match your vision. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the MCC Foundation at (585) 685-6020.


Many employers have matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees - some companies may also match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses. To find out if your company has a matching gift program, check with your company's Human 资源 office to see if they offer gift matching. Your Human 资源 department will provide you with a matching gift form to complete and send to our mailing address:

MCC Foundation
1000 East Henrietta Road
Rochester, NY 14623